Monday, 19 September 2016

Dayshifts @ work.

Last week I went back onto day shifts at work. No biggie. It just means I  don't get any stitching done in my breaks like I do on night shift. Normally on a night shift I take along a small, easy to follow pattern. At the beginning of the month I joined a Round Robin. It took me a while to figure out what pattern I wanted to do, but then I found one in an old magazine. If I stitched the border, then it made each square just under 60 x 60 stitches. I finished the border last night (see above). Now I just have to work on my square. I have until the 1st October when it needs to be posted on to the next person. I'm really looking forward to stitching whatever it is that the others have planned.

I also joined the Lakeside Needlecraft fantasy stitch along. I've made a little progress on that but I haven't taken any recent pictures. I'll try and post some pictures next time.

anyway I'll write again soon, I just wanted to make a quick update while I can. Back on day shift tomorrow. 

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